Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sassy starts with an "A"!

This afternoon I spent time with the sweetest 3 year old. Learned two things....1. Move quickly, very quickly. 2. There is no such thing as too many Jelly Beans. I had a blast running after A and mom did a great job on the bribing end. Let me tell you, little miss has some sass....just check out the one with the hands on the hips. I'd be lying if I told you there weren't many more like it! Too cute!!

Everyone knows I'm a SUCKER for little boys. Its been a few months since I took R's 6 month pics so I couldn't wait to snap a few of him. He didn't care for the grass much but you cant tell from these!

Finally, at the end of our shoot, one of A's friends joined us. I had a great time shooting these pretty princesses but more fun watching the moms chase them down.


M said...

The last one has to be my favorite!!!! SO SWEET!

Great work!

Anonymous said...

The last one is sooo cute. I'd make that a poster or a greeting card!

Jen Bridgham said...

As the proud momma of Sassy A, I LOVE these pictures. A will never smile for my camera!!!