Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The A's have it

We didn't let an overcast day threatening to dump rain ruin a great afternoon at the Arboretum with these sweet twins! A and A were just beautiful, but with parents like these, what did you expect! S, enjoy your sneak peek. I'll have the gallery posted in a few days!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Hot Mama!

I spent Friday afternoon with a fun soon to be mommy and daddy. We had a great time at the park and with parents like these, G is going to be one handsome little man! Congrats C and T, enjoy your sneak peek!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sassy starts with an "A"!

This afternoon I spent time with the sweetest 3 year old. Learned two things....1. Move quickly, very quickly. 2. There is no such thing as too many Jelly Beans. I had a blast running after A and mom did a great job on the bribing end. Let me tell you, little miss has some sass....just check out the one with the hands on the hips. I'd be lying if I told you there weren't many more like it! Too cute!!

Everyone knows I'm a SUCKER for little boys. Its been a few months since I took R's 6 month pics so I couldn't wait to snap a few of him. He didn't care for the grass much but you cant tell from these!

Finally, at the end of our shoot, one of A's friends joined us. I had a great time shooting these pretty princesses but more fun watching the moms chase them down.

Double the fun!

I had the pleasure of spending a chilly few hours with these fun girls this morning. It really is true, two are better than one. And whoever said twins are just alike haven't met these twins. Each had their own since of style and it made for a really fun shoot! Good luck at MIZZOU!!

M, enjoy your sneak peek. I will have the rest posted soon.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Family Shoot

I love when I get to shoot Families from my church! Its always such a fun time. This is such a handsome family and I would just about kill for blue eyes like these!
Thanks for the laughs and letting me be a part of this memory. J, thanks for the smile or two!
L, hope you like your sneak peek!